
Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Zealand Bee Venom

Aging is not so scary anymore!!!

  • Bee Venom Intensive Anti-Aging Moisturising Cream is a multifunctional cosmetic which kick-starts the body’s own production of Collagen and Elastin – the key factors to restoring younger, healthier, skin by decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It works in harmony with the body’s systems and is non-invasive or painful like surgery, skin peels, or injections.
  • Alpha Lipid Bee Venom Intensive Moisturising Cream is the only skin care product containing New Zealand’s Alpha Lipid Colostrum which provides TGF (Transforming Growth Factors) to promote skin cell repair and renewal.
Key active ingredients:
  • Bee Venom
  • Natural exotic oils such as jojoba, almond, macadamia seed
  • Manuka Honey
  • Evening Primrose
  • Shea Butter
How does New Image extract the Bee Venom?

The bee venom is ingeniously extracted when the bee lands on a glass pane which has a light electrical current running through it. The bee reacts by stinging the glass and leaves the venom behind to be collected, without the bee dying.

How to use:
*This product is suitable for use by all men and women except those allergic to bee stings.

*We recommend to test on a small area of skin before first use and wait 20 minutes. If there are no adverse effects then continue applying to your face.

*Everyone’s skin is unique so you might experience a slight tingling sensation which is normal. You can also use this product as a Night Cream.

*Apply a generous layer over the face and neck and leave on overnight. In the morning use it again as a Day Cream.

*For best results apply twice daily and use within 12 months after opening.

RM245.00 /EACH 50g
*can use for 2 month

= RM 122.5 /month


wechat:  Mayoling / 0168001232

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

牛初乳 - 孕妈妈见证篇

怀孕初期的孕妇抵抗力相对较差、易患病,这会影响胎儿在母体内的发育,牛初乳对孕、产妇是十分重要的,牛初乳中的免疫物质和丰富营养除了能增强自身免 疫能力,抵抗流感、肺炎等疾病外,还可通过胎盘传递给胎儿,从而提高孩子的先天免疫能力,使孩子不易生病:AADHA可通过脐带传给胎儿,让胎儿智力发 育赢在起跑线上。胎儿5-6个月是大脑发育的激增期,最需要AADHA。因此孕妇吃牛初乳不仅是可以的,而且是十分必要的!


Ibu mengandung di awal kehamilan mengalami antibodi yang agak lemah, mudah mendapat penyakit , malah boleh menjejaskan perkembangan janin. kolostrum adalah amat penting kepada ibu /wanita hamil.Bahan imun dan tambahan berkhasiat dalam  kolostrum boleh meningkatkan imuniti mereka sendiri , melawan penyakit influenza, radang paru-paru dan lain-lain.Ia juga boleh disalurkan melalui plasenta kepada janin , dengan itu meningkatkan imuniti semula jadi kanak-kanak, supaya kanak-kanak tidak mudah untuk jatuh sakit : AA , DHA boleh diluluskan kepada janin melalui tali pusat , supaya meningkatkan pembangunan intelektual . janin yang berumur 5-6 bulan merupakan tempoh lonjakan pembangunan otak janin , bayi paling memerlukan AA, DHA. Oleh itu , ibu mengandung mengambil Colostrum bukan sahaja mungkin, tetapi ia adalah amat diperlukan !

Wanita hamil tidak sahaja boleh minum kolostrum semasa mengandung , malah selepas melahirkan pun boleh ! Selepas bersalin, ,minum kolostrum dapat meningkatkan keupayaan mereka untuk menentang jangkitan dan menggalakkan penyembuhan luka , menambah antibodi imun ibu dan kolostrum kaya dengan taurina , choline , fosfolipid dan peptida otak .ia bukan sahaja pembangunan yang seimbang bagi bekalan makanan umum untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin, terutamanya pertumbuhan tisu otak memberi asas yang ketara, dengan itu meningkatkan kualiti susu badan ibu, dan kemudian diserahkan kepada bayi melalui susu ibu untuk memastikan kesihatan bayi terjamin .

~这是来自各为孕妈妈对Alpha Lipid牛初乳的心得~

~Ini Adalah kata kata dari ibu ibu yang mengambil Alpha Lipid Lifeline ~

Tang Hui Shian 妈咪

beliau berkata:
semasa saya hamil sampai bulan ke-6, saya telah disahkan oleh Doctor menghidap Diabetes Gestasi , malah juga menpunyai masalah Anemia. Doctor sarankan saya supaya berhenti mengambil susu ibu mengandung.

menurut kata Doctor, susu Ibu Mengandung mengandungi Laktosa yang lebih tinggi dari susu biasa, oleh itu,ia mengjejaskan gula Darah!

itu tak boleh makan. ini tak boleh minum! bagaimana??

妈咪认识了Alpha Lipid Lifeline牛初乳 :
mama mengenali Alpha Lipid Lifeline:

saya rasa lebih lena tidur di waktu malam. malah makin cergas.muka makin berseri.
Ia membantu melaraskan gula darah saya.
Ia meransang pertumbuhan dan permulihan sel-sel kulit saya.
Ia menyelesaikan masalah perkumuhan saya.
  1. 牛初乳增强我的孕期体质,保护baby在我体内健康发育。宝宝出生发量好多,没有黄疸偏高的问题,很健康,皮肤也很白呢。kolostrum mempertingkatkan kualiti badan saya semasa mengandung,menjaga bayi dalam badan membesar dengan baiknya. volume rambut bayi saya banyak dan tiada masalah kuning yang teruk. sangat sihat dan putih!
  2. 牛初乳含有孕妇所需要的叶酸 (folic acid)、铁 (iron)、钙质 (calcium),所以我过后都完全没有贫血的问题了,不用每两个星期去clinic报到了。kolostrum mengandungi folic acid ,besi dan kalsium yang diperlukan oleh ibu mengandung.oleh itu, masalah anemia saya dapat perningkatan dan tak perlu pergi ke klinik lagi setiap dua minggu.
  3. 便秘问题一直缠绕着我,我可以便秘久到自己lost count最后一次上大号是几时,但是牛初乳改善了我的便秘问题。它促进我的肠胃蠕动及新陈代谢,再促进我的身体将体内毒素、排泄物及老化死亡细胞排出体外,让我现在几乎天天都顺畅,现在最久也不过两天大一次,哈哈哈哈,ooops,不过对我来说,这个问题真的是大有改善呢。masalah sembelit sering menganggu saya ! tetapi,selepas meminum kolestrum ini,ia membantu memgerakan usus-usus saya, sekarang paling lama pun 2 kali sehari,hehee.. opps!
  4. 牛初乳促进抗体生成,可加速病体恢复,提高我的免疫力,而且我自己本身真的很少生病。kolestrum meningkatkan antibodi, mempercepatan penyembuhan ketika sakit. sekarang saya jarang sakit atau demam.
  5. 牛初乳含有免疫调节物质,有效地调节我的妊娠糖尿的血糖浓度。kolestrum mempunyai bahan immunomodulateri, ia memeng berkesan dalam menyeimbang kembali kandungan gula dalam darah saya.
  6. 妊娠期间莫名的红疹问题也因为服用牛初乳的关系也解决了。因为牛初乳含表皮生长因于、转化生长因子、胰岛素样生长因子、胰岛素、泌乳素等,促进新生细胞生长和机体新陈代谢的活性组分,还帮助调理我的内分泌平衡呢。saya mengalami bintik bintik merah di badan saya seperti alahan telah hilang selepas mengambil alpha lipid lifeline kolestrum.
  7. 牛初乳提供必需的生长因子和免疫因子以确保增加活力和精力,有帮助改善我的情绪,晚上我也睡的挺安稳的,让我看起来会比较有精神。kolestrum membekalkan khasiat yang diperlukan oleh badan kita, Ia membantu menenangkan emosi saya ,saya dapat tidur lena si waktu malam, dan membuat saya nampak lebih ceria dan cergas.
  8. 我本身在孕前就有腰酸背痛的困扰,问题总是on n off的来,怀孕了这个问题当然就比较严重了,嘴巴总是会喊:啊哟我的腰又痛了……但是食用了牛初乳过后,我的腰酸背痛的问题有大大大的改善,基本上老公已经没听到我喊腰酸背痛很久了。对了!牛初乳含有比普通奶粉高5倍的钙质哦。saya memang sentiasa mengalami masalah sakit belakang dan pinggang, masalah ini makin teruk selepas mengandung.tetapi dengan kolestrum , suami saya dah lama tak dengar saya menjerit kesakitan lagi ~ oh ya, kolestrum mengandungi kalsium 5 kali ganda dari susu biasa tau!
  9. 怀孕期间,我也有牙龈出血的问题,差不多有两个月之久,说真的我也忘了,但是问题可以持续这么久,也算很严重,刷牙的时候才刷一下就开始出血了,刷几下就同时几个spot出血,牙医说我牙齿牙龈没问题,可能是我刷牙太用力?但是即使我轻轻刷也一样流血,当然喝了牛初乳过后,这个问题我也看到很好的效果,后面都不流血了呢!ketika mengandung juga, saya mengalami masalah gusi berdarah selama dua bulan.doktor kata gigi tiada masalah, mungkin saya terlalu kuat gosok kot? tapi... gosok ringan pun berdarah juga..selepas pengambilan kolestrum,saya sudah meligat kesannya, tiada masalah gusi pendarahan selepas itu.
  10. 牛初乳一物可二用,我除了喝它,我还用它来敷面膜,因为它含有珍贵的成长因子,能修复细胞、淡化雀斑,还有拉皮的功效!做完牛初乳面膜后,脸真的变得很滑,还很白,皮肤也很紧致哟。kolestrum ini boleh jadi 2 in 1. selain minum, saya gunakanya sebagai mask.oleh sebaab ia mengandungi bahan aktiv yang boleh membaiki sel sel kulit, memudarkan bintik hitam/freckles yang paling penting ia boleh menegangkan kulit muka.!
inilah gambar keluarga saya~
lihatlah anak saya putih kan?
ibu bapa pun tak seputih tu~

全篇看 这里
lihat sepenuhnya di sini !

Mami suriyani


YukikoSue 妈咪

当初因为想怀孕 ,带着半信半疑的心情
sebab ingin nak mengandung, oleh itu, saya mencuba . selepas dua bulan, saya berjaya mengandung anak pertama saya.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline membantu meningkatkan kesuburan.


saya mengalami masalah mual dan cirit birit yang berterusan ketika mengandung. ubat yang diberi doctor pula saya takut membawa kesan sampingan kepada bayi pembesaran saya, oleh itu, selepas pengambilan kolestrum berterusan selama 2 bulan , masalah mual saya mendapat kesan yang baik dan tidak mempunyai masalah cirit birit lagi!

有没有发现? 宝宝们都白白胖胖的 <3 妈咪们都粉嫩粉嫩的?

wechat :Mayoling

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What did you know about kuching city?

1. Kuching is the first city in the country where motorist can 'turn 

left when exit is clear' legally! 

(Now started to be implemented in Putrajaya)

2. More than 50% of houses in Kuching are Semi-D and 

bungalows which is more than any other cities.

3. There are more satellite dishes in the backyard of Kuching houses than other place 

combined together.

4. Most of Kuching pretty girls go out without make-up,wearing simple short, T-shirt and japanese slippers. ok bye...

5. Kuching is the city where the majority of family in here have the motto of 'one person one car'

and not 'one family one car'. When the children get their license, they will eventually have their 

own car. Form 5 student will drive to school. Even when fuel price hiked the number of cars in a family will still be the same.

6. Kuching's roundabout is VERY VERY VERY big compared to other cities. It has the size of 

almost 1 and half the size of a football field. They could even build dozens and dozens of

houses inside the roundabout and thousands of plants and trees in it.

how many Block can fill in it?

7. The people here often refer the location in the city by using the word "mile". Example are 3rd mile, 4th mile, 5th mile and so on.

8. Many shops in the cities start to close their shop at around 6pm to 10pm at night.

9. Majority of the people in Kuching is more family minded than money minded.

10. Places that a tourist would most probably visit when they are at Kuching are Jalan Song (for

 the foods), Friendship park (for dating), Waterfront area (for the culture), cultural village (for the

 culture also), Damai Beach (for the beach), Santubong (for hiking) and various national parks

(for the animals and plants).

11. Foods that should not be missed when visit Kuching are the famous Kolo Mee, Mee Po, Kampua mee, Laksa Sarawak, Kek Batik/Lapis, Kueh Chap and 7th mile teh C peng and most importantly our Tomato Mee.

 TEH C SPECIAL                                            PS: image from web                            tomato crispy mee

12. When you order fruit juices at food courts, prepare to face the curious and blurry expressions from the locals there. Why? Local people seldom order fruit juice and fruit juices in Kuching is quite expensive. They mostly ordered Teh C Peng or Teh C Special (3layer drink).
13. Kuching has one of the luxurious and largest DUN (Dewan Undangan Negeri) building or could be said as palace.

14. The majority of people here are more civilized minded compare to other cities in Malaysia

 and most of them are very friendly.

15. Various languages are mastered by the locals here such as Sarawak language, Iban language, Bidayuh language, Hokkien language, Mandarin language, Bahasa Melayu, English and so on...
16. Don't be surprised if you see non-malay speaking Iban/Sarawak language and malays speaking mandarin. Its a norm here.

17. Majority of local guys here have tatoo on their body.

18. Do not expect all the long houses to be made of wood, built in the middle of the jungle, with no electricity and water, surviving with only river stream nearby! Its not true. Most of the long houses here are already developed and looked like a long terrace house with abundant electricity and water supplies.

old Style long house interior..

Morden LongHouse Interior.

19. Most cars in Kuching are imported cars such as Porche, Mazda RX8, Nissan Skyline, 

Toyota, and Honda (this shows that the people here are quite rich). However, there are also a

lot of Perodua Viva and Kancil (for renting and economic usage).

20. Kuching have lots of food courts perhaps the highest/sq feet where muslims and non-

muslim stalls opening together. You can order satay and kolo mee and eat together. 

Perpaduan to the Max here!

21. In Kuching, you can go kayaking in the sea, caving, jungle trekking, mountain climbing,

shopping, national park visiting, visiting border town market(serikin-indonesia/msia) all within 

an hour's journey. You can't do that in other cities of Malaysia. You can't do kayaking, mountain

climbing and jungle trekking in KL.

22. Kuching has a lot of churches.

23. Kuching is a city that has 2 salvation armies.

24. Kuching has a roundabout with a kindergarten and backpacker's lodge(Transit point) in it.

25. Kuching has a beautiful roundabout-flyover (kenyalang interchange)

26. We have a place called Saberkas which is similar to Low Yat Plaza in KL selling electronic gadgets.

27. Kuchingites childhood instant noodle is called the "Lee Fah Mee" and not Maggie Mee.

28. Kuching is where you can find "Whitelady" in almost all drink stalls. (Only Kuchingites know what it is)
ans: Hui Sing Hawker Stall & 3 Small

29. Kuching waterfront is where you can find "Gamibir" sold legally everywhere. (Only Sarawakian knows what is Gambir)

30. "Demak" brand motorcycles are produced in Kuching (That is why we have Demak Laut Industrial park)

31. In Kuching you don't only see KFC, Pizaa Hut and McDonalss in Shopping Malls. We have 

our homegrown "Sugarbun" fast food chain too!

32. Kuching has a special complex where the whole area is selling pirated CDs/DVDs and it seems to be legal. (Kenyalang Park)

33. Kuching is the only city in the world having two mayors... (DBKU and MBKS)

34. Kuching people are pure lazy to walk, they will park their cars next to the coffee shop they 

patronize, preferably by the side of the tables they sit, even if it is illegal.

35. We are not addicted to Tutti Frutti or Baskin Robbins, but Kuchingites will go for a Sunny Hill Ice Cream on a hot day!

36. Kuching has a lot of mixed marriage couples! And they respect all types of religions! You can easily see Malays attending a wedding reception in a Catholic Church, or Chinese lepak lepak with Malays around.

37. The famous 3-layerred tea was originated from Kuching 7th mile.

38. Kuching is the only place where chinese-made ais kacang and kolo mee can commonly be

 seen done by malays! (We have halal kolo mees here!)

39. Kuching has a "Jalan Keretapi" without any signs of keretapi.

40. You know what is "Terubok" and "Midin" if you have been to Kuching or Sarawak.

41. Kuching's Oyster Pancake(O'Chien) is extra-large and crispy-type compared to other Oyster Pancakes.

42. Kuching has the most massage parlours per square km in Malaysia. You can normally find

 AT LEAST 20 ads of different massage parlours in one page of chinese newspaper here.

43. In Kuching, the left lane is normally the faster lane. Please bear with the fact when you are driving around Kuching City.

44. In Kuching, there is no "wrong way" for your routes. Because whichever direction you choose, it can still lead you to your destination. There are thousands of shortcuts here!

yellow as main roads
white is small road
grey are mostly shortcut 

45. No matter how dirty Kuching is, please accept the fact that Kuching is the Cleanest City in Malaysia. Do you know Kuching was voted as one of the world's healthiest cities, recognized and awarded by both United Nations (UN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) and by the Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC)?

thank you to Know a little bit about Kuching.


copyfrm web 

Friday, August 1, 2014

牛初乳特别篇 - 健康&预防疾病篇 alpha Lipid Lifeline health and care




If  let you have minor sick for a week.
You will find that money is not important, family and health is most important .

If you had a serious illness a month.
You will find money is
Important, but physical and family support is more important


If you had a serious illness six months, it is estimated that you are willing to give up all the money and fame now. To exchange for something you think is important.




So when I saw this passage of time, more determined to know the people and things in life which is most important ......

Health, focusing on the concept;

Americans spend $100 for health care, $50 for insurance, $10 for doctor $1 for saving life.

Asians spend $1 for health care , $10 for medicine ,$50 for doctor ,$100 for saving life.






Most Asian people are still worried about health care have side effects, there is dependence.

Most Asian people, in the last 1-2 years of life, spent his life savings, eat all contain a lot of side effects of Western medicine, more surgery several times, and then leave ...

How to deal with the disease?

The answer: focus on prevention! Change of mind-set!
Changing bad habits! Concern ourselves from this moment!

My friends, started to pay attention to your health strategy! Especially girls, do not just spend money on beauty dress, it is time to focus on your health strategy! Especially boys, do not just spend money on smoking, drinking, buying youth consume youth, do not forget the day you will be old! Young children do not only care about your lover, your home as well as elderly parents, who care about their health?

这里为大家介绍我们的健康大使 ---》 小洁
She is our Healthcare angles  -- JIE 



1. 化妆品?
2. 护肤品?
3. 衣服包包
4. 到处寻找美食,走遍各角落吃好料?
5. 喝酒抽烟?
6. 供好车住豪宅?
7. 买最贵的东西给孩子?


Jie here to ask you, where We invested the money and time  ?

1 cosmetics?

2 skin care products?

3 bags of clothes

4. around for food, traveled to every corner of eat feed?

5. drinking and smoking?

6 live in luxury for a good car?

7 buy the most expensive things to the children?

You start investing your health it? We should be like Americans,spend money for health, rather than spend for joy.



80% 人的生活习惯是时常吃油炸甜食

70% 人的消遣是和朋友喝茶/酒楼吃山珍海味/喝酒



Doctor suffering! ?

  In Malaysia; 

80% of people's living habits is eat fried sweets 
70% of people pastime is drinking tea with friends / restaurant to eat delicacies / drink
How to enjoy, but can bring a crisis for your health.

Real estate female Wangzhang Chun Chun said, life make so much money, it will only make you live first-class wards!




健品 - Lifeline 牛初乳!!!

Jie urge everyone here to start to take care of your body. .

 We have to develop healthy habits, eat light and exercise,

We now want to change the complete lifestyle and entertainment, it seems impossible,

I have a friend said to me quit food, it seem to kill me, kill me !and Forget about it! If you feel the same way a little, then you

Should focus on the health care

Here, Jie introduce you to the 21st century health care productsis about to shock the world

Health products - Lifeline Colostrum! ! !


初乳是母牛產後 24 小時內所分泌之乳汁,在分娩後 24~72 小時內所分泌之乳汁稱為過渡期乳汁,初乳的組成分、物理性狀和功能炯異於一般常乳(表 1),初乳含有較多的固形物、蛋白質和免疫球蛋白,初乳對於小牛之重要性莫過於提供被動免疫。被動免疫是犢牛在分娩 24 小時內獲得初乳,增加血管中免疫球蛋白 G 濃度,而用以抵禦環境之病原體的過程,但隨著時間其體內免疫球蛋白 G 濃度下降,此時動物體內會產生本身的免疫球蛋白 G,便稱為主動免疫,而此關係著牛隻長期的健康。

What is Colostrum? Colostrum is secreted within 24 hours postpartum cows milk within 24 to 72 hours after delivery of milk secretion called transitional milk, colostrum composition points, physical properties and functions Jiong different from most regular milk (Table 1), colostrum contains more solids, proteins and immunoglobulin, colostrum the calf of importance than providing passive immunity for. Passive immunity is obtained calf colostrum within 24 hours of delivery, increased vascular concentrations of immunoglobulin G, for the defence against pathogens and in the process environment, but over time it decreased the concentration of immune globulin G, then the animals will produce its own immunoglobulin G, it is called active immunization, and this relates to the long-term health of cattle.

我称呼lifeline 牛初乳为抗疾病之冠,为什么呢?

然而,lifeline 牛初乳则含有各种免疫蛋白,足够帮你对抗疾病,减低患上疾病的机会率,让你开开心心安安乐乐度过你的生活。。

why colostrum  ?

There are a majority of health care products, such as royal jelly, bird's nest, vitamins, etc. are not immune proteins, is a natural antibiotic, against the main source of the disease.

However, lifeline will contain a variety of immune colostrum protein will help you fight disease and reduce their chances of suffering from the disease, so you spend your life happily . .



如果你或你身边的家人朋友已经患上疾病,那更应该服用lifeline 牛初乳!

Remember ! Prevention is better than cure!

We have to standing to eat health care products, not lying down and eat medicine !

Colostrum VS disease

If you or your family and friends around already suffering the disease, and that should take lifeline colostrum!

With colostrum The following symptoms may improve

Acne, aging, obesity, skin allergies, arthritis, asthma, abscess, chicken pox, too tired, diabetes, eczema , gastric ,Uterine fibroids, ventilation disease, B / C type hepatitis, hypertension, virus infection, insomnia, gastrointestinal discomfort, lack of oxygen, measles, menstrual pain, migraine, Parkinson, haemorrhoids, herpes, sinusitis, skin problems, stroke / paralysis , thyroiditis, cancer, ulcers. . .

服用Alpha Lipid Lifeline 牛初乳也能够有效帮您预防以下


Taking Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum can help you prevent or less effective Symptoms / diseases:




Cardiovascular diseases: How to take: Use once a spoon, before taking three meals a day, about a week later, may be increased to a 1.5 to 2 tablespoons
May phenomenon / better reaction: people will feel tired continued for 3-7 days, and then restore the spirit of vitality







Diabetes How to take: Use once a spoon, before taking three meals a day, about a week later, may be increased to a 1.5 to 2 tablespoons. Can be taken together with SD2 

May phenomenon / better response: Start is unstable blood sugar, fluctuated continuously 3- 7 days, this is because it is long-term accumulation in the vascular wall to clean the sugar, when to clean the junction
After the beam will return to normal, continue to take 1-2 months, can reduce the use of hypoglycemic /Stop taking the drug even







Hypertension /high blood  How to take: Use once a spoon, before taking three meals a day, about a week later, may be increased to a 1.5 to 2 tablespoons.
May phenomenon / better response: Start is unstable blood pressure, fluctuated continuously for 3-7 days, it is because it is a long time to clean up the blood vessel wall accumulation of cholesterol, so the concentration will cause unstable blood pressure conditions, when liquidation will return to normal, continue to take 1-2 months, can reduce the use of hypoglycemic medication or even stop taking







Degenerative arthritis
How to take: Use 2 teaspoons once a day, 2-3 times

May phenomenon / better response: the affected area will be soft joint pain response, this situation will continued for 3-5 days in total circulation reaction 3-5 times, each time the throes of time ,Once again shorter than because of fibrocystic mother cell growth factors to stimulate cartilage tissue Regeneration, so the repair will be pain, there will be patience is significantly improved three months after.





Osteoporosis How to take: Use 2 teaspoons once a day, 2-3 times May phenomenon / better response: significant progress can be found in bone mineral density, bone mineral density return to normal if long-term use for three months after .





Urticarial How to take: Use a two spoons, three times a day May phenomenon / better response: the detoxification process will be, will be itchy on rash, lifeline colostrum available at this time for topical lesion .




Face allergies How to take: Use a two spoons, 2-3 times a day May phenomenon / better response: Use the procedure may be itchy rash pustular, may be topical in the affected area for 2-3 days




Spots / age spots How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: with attaining mask, about a month you can see obviously lighten spots






How to take: take a two spoons, three times a day

May phenomenon / better response: direct deposited on the wound , causing anti-inflammatory to bactericidal effect, and can be quickly restored and fade scars.





Child How to take: Use once 1/2 to a spoon, a times a day May phenomenon / better response: can be used with dairy products, improve the immune system and prevent intestinal virus and epidemic diseases.






How to take: Use a two spoons, 1-2 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: reduce acne, endocrine balance.

Improve learning ability, memory, add enough calcium, increase body height 





How to take: Use a two spoons, 2-3 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: can effectively restore memory




Stroke patients

How to take: Use once a spoon, before taking three meals a day, about a week later, may be increased to a 1.5 to 2 tablespoons.

May phenomenon / better response: Start patient flow mouth, fatigue and so on. After slowly recovering spiritual 1-2 months after the action will significantly improve flexibility. Long-term use recoverable 70-80 %




brain injury

How to take
: Use a two spoons, 3-5 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: Continuous use can improve or even restore, see the patient's condition





How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: 2-3 months may improve




Menstrual pain
How to take: Use a two spoons, 1-2 times a day
May phenomenon / better response: Continuous use can improve because of calcium deficiency leads to pain




Spur How to take: Use a two spoons, 2-3 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: 2-3 months may improve




Lupus Erythematosus

How to take: Use a two spoons, 3-5 times a day May phenomenon / better response: The reason is the immune system disorders, it is recommended to use a lot, a month after taking steroids can greatly reduce.




Ankylosing spondylitis vertebral items How to take: Use a two spoons, three times a day May phenomenon / better response: systemic arthritis feel pain for 1-3 days, after you can improve




Migraine How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: 1-2 months to improve




Perennial injured , aching muscles How to take: Use a two spoons, 2-3 times a day May phenomenon / better reaction: where the original pain will be more pain for 3-5 days, greatly improving 1-3 months




Athlete's foot, eczema How to take: Use a two spoons, 2-3 times a day, you can smear the affected area May phenomenon / better response: about a week to complete treatment, and immediately stop itching





How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day

May phenomenon / better response: the affected area will be swelling and pain, 2-4 months may improve




Cancer patients and chemotherapy patients How to take: large doses May phenomenon / better response: effectively inhibit the spread of cancer cells and reduce patient pain, effectively help the audience to restore gastrointestinal absorption capacity, improve diarrhea




Stomach Ulcer

How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day

May phenomenon / better reactions: pain affected area will be 3-7 days, and will accelerate gastrointestinal motility will exhaust reactions. About 1-3 months to improve


如何服用:使用一次2匙,一天2次 (加入fibremax会更有效)


Constipation How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day (adding fibremax would be more effective) May phenomenon / better response: about a week to improve




Alcoholism causes shaking Britain How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: about 15-30 days to improve




Depression How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: about 2-3 months has improved, need long-term care




Black eye

How to take: Use a two spoons, can take large doses 3-6 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: improve about a month




Insomnia How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: improve about a month




Poor health How to take: Use a two spoons, can be a lot to take two times a day May phenomenon / better response: improve about a month




Incontinence How to take: Use a two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: 2-3 days effectively improve




Infertility How to take: the couple used once two spoons, two times a day May phenomenon / better response: about three months of pregnancy can help




Frozen shoulder How to take: Use a two spoons, can take large doses 3-6 times a day

May phenomenon / better response: improve about 1-2 months




Pregnant women
How to take: Use a two spoons, take two times a day May phenomenon / better reaction: calcium supplement to help improve back pain for pregnant women and infants jaundice disease prevention




Allergic cough

How to take: Use a two spoons, take two times a day

May phenomenon / better response: increased cough, about 2-4 months to improve

宠物猫狗生病 心丝虫



Pet dogs and cats sick heartworm How to take: Use a two spoons, can take large doses 3-4 times a day May phenomenon / better response: about three days to save their lives

copyright :annagoh